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Prof. Wang Rong, NTU awarded the President’s Technology Award (2022)


The President’s Science and Technology Awards (PSTA) are the highest honours bestowed on exceptional research scientists and engineers in Singapore for their excellent achievements in science and technology. These national awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate outstanding and invaluable contributions by individuals or teams to the research and development landscape in Singapore. The President’s Science & Technology Awards is made up of three different awards, namely, the President’s Science & Technology Medal (PSTM), the President’s Science Award (PSA) and the President’s Technology Award (PTA). The winners of the respective awards have been carefully chosen through a rigorous process by a selection committee comprising key representatives from the government, industry, academia and public research institutes.



  • President’s Chair in Civil and Environment Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)
  • Director, Singapore Membrane Technology Centre (SMTC), Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), NTU Singapore
  • Co-Founder, H2MO Technology Pte. Ltd. and Aromatec Pte. Ltd.


Professor Wang Rong from NTU Singapore was awarded the President’s Technology Award for her outstanding contributions to the field of membrane science and technology. Over the past 14 years, she has made many pioneering contributions in the development of novel membranes for use in applications such as energy-efficient desalination, water reclamation and wastewater treatment, liquid purification and gas separation, and led the forefront in novel hybrid membrane systems development. She has also successfully translated and deployed promising prototypes for pilot-scale testing in partnership with government agencies and industry.


Read more: President Science and Technology Awards 2022