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Research Seminar: Searching for Solutions to Wicked Water Problems

Event date & time
20 Jan 2020
12.15 - 1.30 PM
Seminar Room 3-5, Manasseh Meyer Building,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
469C Bukit Timah Rd, NUS, Singapore 259772
(+65) 6516 2083

About the Event

Synopsis reproduced directly from IWP (Registration link):

Many regions across the globe face what are called wicked water problems, which are complex challenges that are too big for readily identifiable and/or “standard” solutions. The reasons for this are many and can relate to underlying societal or political issues and differing viewpoints as to the causes and/or potential pathways to mitigating the challenges. It is often stated that the obstacles to addressing wicked water problems may be related to public acceptance rather than technological or economic factors. Identifying and implementing pathways to solving big water challenges often require interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches; involvement of stakeholders is extremely important.  Both water-scarce and water-rich regions face long-term water problems. With a focus on water-scarce areas, this lecture will discuss some wicked water challenges and how different regions, including some that are trans-border, are approaching them. It will provide an opportunity for audience input on and discussion of others.


Prof. Sharon B. Megdal is Director of The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), a Cooperative Extension center and a research unit in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Her work focuses on water policy and management, on which she writes and frequently speaks.  She also holds the titles: Professor and Specialist, Department of Environmental Science; C.W. & Modene Neely Endowed Professor; and Distinguished Outreach Professor. She serves as Director of the University of Arizona Water, Environmental and Energy Solutions Program, which is funded by the Technology Research Initiative Fund.