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Aquaculture Innovation Webinar I: Meeting Rising Demands

Event date & time
26 Mar 2021
3:00pm to 5:00pm (SGT)
+65 6653 4933

About the Event


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The three-part Aquaculture Innovation Webinar aims to gather industry experts and researchers from Norway, Israel and Singapore to share trends and opportunities in aquaculture so as to play a stronger role in providing food and nutrition in Singapore and the regions.

The first installment of this Aquaculture Innovation Webinar, held on 26 March 2021, will highlight the global trends in sustainable aquaculture, opportunities to advance new species for aquaculture farming, and challenges in high intensity farming and marine production.

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Webinar Highlights


Keynote Session
3.00 pm – 3.30 pm (GMT +8)
This keynote session will examine the global trends in sustainable aquaculture and the future of aquaculture farming to address the increasing demand for food and consumption of marine proteins.
Advancing New Species in Aquaculture Farming
3.30 pm – 4.15 pm (GMT +8)
The speakers for this session will discuss the development of new marine species and husbandry to support sustainable aquaculture.
Intensification of Seaweed Farming
4.15 pm – 5.00 pm (GMT +8)
The challenges and developments in high intensity aquaculture farming that focus on achieving optimal output for marine production will be highlighted in this segment.

Don’t Miss Out on the Upcoming Aquaculture Innovation Webinars!

The Aquaculture Innovation Webinar II,  held on 22 April 2021, will feature strategies you can use to break new grounds in aquaculture innovation. The topics for this webinar include fish-feed and nutrition as well as the health and genetics of marine species.

If you are keen on exploring better systems for sustainable farming, such as the use of recirculatory aquaculture system and farming technology for all stages of the process, join us for the Aquaculture Innovation Webinar III on 27 May 2021.

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