Model filter system shows removal of antibiotics

The prototype of the filter system that can remove antibiotics from wastewater. (Image: Daniel Ashworth, University of California-Riverside (UCR). Microbiologist Mark Ibekwe, from the US Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and soil chemist Daniel Ashworth from the University of California-Riverside (UCR) have designed a model for an economical filter system which can remove antibiotics from wastewater. […]

Solar desalination contest recognises Purdue team

Assistant professor David Warsinger and members of his research group’s Membrane Distillation Subteam. (Image : Purdue University) A team led by an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, David Warsinger, at Purdue University in Indiana, has reached the quarter finals of the US Department of Energy’s $9 million Solar Desalination Prize. The Purdue team, which includes […]

Saltworks’ pilot shows 99% freshwater recovery

Saltworks’ pilot at a wastewater treatment plant is currently demonstrating 99% freshwater recovery on cooling tower blowdown (CTB). Saltworks Technologies has reported that a substantial pilot at a wastewater treatment plant is currently demonstrating 99% freshwater recovery on cooling tower blowdown (CTB). CTB enters the treatment plant nearly saturated in scaling ions, limiting recovery to […]

Understanding the feedstock with Valin

Industrial compressed air filters. (Image: AdobeStock) An automatic treatment and filtration of drinking water system. (Image: AdobeStock) The only way to achieve a specified purity levels is to select and install proper filtration, with the job intended and the task fully understood. Norman Hall, Filtration Business Unit Manager for Valin Corporation, suggests a correct approach. […]

Aquaporin introduces first home water purifier

ZERO is a compact reverse osmosis water filtration system which provides clean drinking water directly from the tap. Aquaporin’s new under-the-sink home water purifier, ZERO, is a compact reverse osmosis water filtration system which provides clean drinking water directly from the tap, without electricity or a pump/control unit and no need for an external storage […]

Carlsberg protects shared water resources in India

The Water Distribution Centre will provide clean drinking water for a town of 4,000 people in the Sundarbans in West Bengal, India. The Carlsberg Group has announced a partnership with Dutch company Desolenator, which has developed solar thermal sustainable water purification technology to create clean drinking water for a town of 4,000 people in the Sundarbans […]

Seawater desalination technology in China

Desalination The research article ‘Seawater desalination technology and engineering in China: A review’ has been published in Elsevier journal Desalination (Volume 498, 15 January 2021, 114728). Abstract Insufficient clean freshwater has exacerbated water scarcity in China, especially in southern coastal regions where the economy is active and highly populated. Seawater is an important supplement of water source in […]

Private equity firm acquires Newterra Group

Chicago-based private equity firm Frontenac Co has acquired Canada’s Newterra Group Ltd from shareholders including institutional investors XPV Water Partners and Angeleno Group LLC. Newterra designs, engineers, manufactures and services modular treatment solutions for water, wastewater, stormwater and groundwater. The portfolio of brands includes Cochrane, TIGG, Aeration Industries, StormwateRx, MicroClear Membranes, EPRO and Newterra. Technologies […]

Biological activated carbon filters for micropollutant removal

The research article ‘Implications of biological activated carbon filters for micropollutant removal in wastewater treatment’ has been published in the journal Water Research. Abstract Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration is a common process for advanced wastewater treatment. In such filters, the removal of organic substances results from adsorptive as well as biological processes. This work investigated the […]

Linde & Evonik offer hydrogen separation

Hydrogen, as a zero-emission fuel, is paving the way for climate-friendly forms of mobility. (Image: Linde) Linde and Evonik Industries have combined different technologies to create a fully integrated, holistic solution which can extract hydrogen from natural gas pipeline networks. Use of the existing natural gas infrastructure to transport hydrogen is garnering much interest and […]

Toray to provide membranes for desal plants in Bahrain and UAE

Japan’s Toray Industries Inc has secured orders to supply reverse osmosis (RO) membranes for the Al Dur 2 Desalination Plant in Bahrain and the Umm Al Quwain Desalination Plant in the United Arab Emirates. Toray Membrane Middle East LLC (TMME) based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia will supply the RO membranes and provide technical services to […]

Composites offer a greener future

The Graphene Flagships multidisciplinary team has already demonstrated the potential of integrating graphene and layered materials into composites for vehicles to make them lighter. GRAPHIL filters work as a simple microfiltration membrane and fulfil the need to remove toxins from Europes water. Composites and coatings are one of the most versatile areas of graphene technology. […]

Xylem podcast begins second series

The second series of Xylem’s Solving Water podcast is entitled Through the Water Cycle. Solving Water, Xylem’s podcast, has started its second series, entitled Through the Water Cycle, which addresses water industry issues such as the shifting economic arena, impacts of Covid-19 and the opportunities for water utilities. A special three-part programme, Making These Extraordinary […]

Cerahelix appoints new VP of sales

Fred Wiesler, VP of sales at Cerahelix. Fred Wiesler has joined US ceramic nanofiltration membrane specialist Cerahelix Inc as vice president of sales. Wiesler brings more than 30 years of experience to the Maine-based Cerahelix. Prior to joining the company, he served as global commercial manager at DuPont Water Solutions, where he directed the global […]

PG Flow Solutions wins BWTS orders

The PG-Hyde ballast water treatment system. Norway’s PG Flow Solutions is to supply ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) to seven offshore support vessels. PG Flow Solutions will provide five 250 m3/h and two 1000 m3/h, IMO and USCG approved PG-Hyde ballast water treatment systems. The PG-Hyde BWTS is based on medium pressure UV technology in […]

Toray Membrane USA partners with M|MBR Systems

Toray Membrane USA Inc (TMUS) and M|MBR Systems LLC, a service provider of flat-sheet membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems, have entered into an exclusive supply agreement covering MBR retrofit applications. The new partnership will integrate both companies’ expertise and deliver MBR solutions to the municipal and industrial markets, focusing on upgrading older membrane technologies. M|MBR specialises […]

  • 12 Nov 2020
  • Uncategorized

Koch Separation Solutions buys dairy technology company Relco

Koch Separation Solutions (KSS) has acquired Relco, a provider of process technologies for the dairy and food industry. KSS is looking to meet market needs through the vertical integration of its membrane filtration and ion exchange capabilities with Relco’s evaporation, spray-drying and crystallization processes. “We believe that separation challenges in the dairy, food, and other industries […]

Siltbuster’s modular water treatment systems

Rich Matthews is MD at Siltbuster Process Solutions. A complete temporary treatment works installed to enable the Wessex Water site to take existing assets offline and refurbish. Treatment solution installed at a food factory to meet sewer consent as production increases. A water treatment solution . Like most global water industries today, the UK’s is […]

Ionised graphene oxide membranes for seawater desalination

Desalination The research article ‘Ionised graphene oxide membranes for seawater desalination’ has been published in Elsevier journal Desalination (Volume 496, 15 December 2020, 114637). Abstract The graphene oxide (GO) membrane has recently emerged as a promising material for nanofiltration. However, its application in seawater desalination is limited because of the comparatively low ion rejection performance. The ionisation of […]

  • 11 Nov 2020
  • Uncategorized

Pall webcast examines sterile gas filtration

Protecting food and beverage production from airborne pathogens is vital to ensure product quality. (Image: Shutterstock) Pall Food & Beverage will hold a webcast on 19 November entitled Sterile Gas Filtration in Critical Food & Beverage Applications. Protecting food and beverage production from airborne pathogens is vital to ensure product quality. Sterilising grade gas filters […]

Camfil introduces predictive analysis

The PowerEye engine provides specialised analysis using Camfils proprietary filtration knowledge base. Camfil Power Systems’ PowerEye is an advanced predictive analytics service that quantifies the impact of ambient conditions on the performance of air inlet filtration and combustion turbines and gives actionable maintenance recommendations. PowerEye analytics provides turbine performance data, predicts day-ahead power output, shows […]

Metso Outotec launches filter optimiser

The filter optimiser improves the PF filter performance by enabling more precise control over the solid/liquid separation process. Metso Outotec has introduced a filter optimiser which boosts the performance of its Larox PF filter in mining and chemical industry processes. The filter optimiser improves the PF filter performance by enabling more precise control over the solid/liquid separation […]

Evoqua’s UV generator improves water treatment works

Derwent Reservoir bordering County Durham and Northumberland. (Image: Shutterstock) The filter outlet pipework at Mosswood prior to the Wafer UV system installation. Evoquas proposed solution was to install a compact Wafer UV generator into the outlet of each of the twelve rapid gravity filters. The modified filter outlet pipework at Mosswood after the compact Wafer […]

Temasek Foundation SMF Research Grant Programme 11th Grant Call

  Dear Friends of Temasek Foundation, We are pleased to announce that the Temasek Foundation SMF Research 11th Grant Call is now open for applications! The Temasek Foundation SMF Research Grant is awarded through a competitive grant call, which is open for applications once a year from November to January. Research areas supported centre on […]

Cerahelix appoints new CEO

Bill Paulus, the new CEO of Cerahelix. William (Bill) Paulus has been named chief executive officer of Cerahelix Inc, the ceramic nanofiltration technology specialist. Paulus, who joined Maine-based Cerahelix earlier this year as chief operating officer, will oversee the company’s plans to accelerate growth and advance the use of ceramic nanofiltration to solve often complex […]

Mann+Hummel invests in membrane startup ZwitterCo

Mann+Hummel has made an investment in ZwitterCo, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based early stage company focused on membrane solutions for organic-heavy waste streams. The Mann+Hummel Corporate Ventures investment will help to commercialise ZwitterCo’s technology for wastewater treatment. ZwitterCo’s zwitterionic membrane chemistry offers fouling resistance, even in streams with a significant amount of oil and organic content. The […]

Evoqua buys US water service and equipment company

Publication date: October 2020 Source: Membrane Technology, Volume 2020, Issue 10 Author(s):

KSS forms partnership with SAF International

Publication date: October 2020 Source: Membrane Technology, Volume 2020, Issue 10 Author(s):

IDA opens World Congress 2021 booking platform

The IDA World Congress and exhibition will take place from 711 November 2021 in Sydney, Australia. The International Desalination Association (IDA) has recently announced that the exhibition booking platform for the IDA World Congress 2021 is now open. The congress and exhibition will take place from 7–11 November 2021 in Sydney, Australia, a decade on from […]

Hybrid technologies: The future of energy efficient desalination

Desalination The research paper ‘Hybrid technologies: The future of energy efficient desalination – A review’ has been published  in Elsevier journal Desalination (Volume 495, 1 December 2020, 114659).  Abstract Further reduction in energy consumption is an attractive prospect for both well-established technologies such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, and for emerging desalination technologies struggling to reach […]